Mid Week Advent Services
December 11 & 18
6:30pm at Sanctuary
Make plans to join us for these midweek reflection and preparation services.
WAC will be joining with Kentucky Food Ministry and the CSC to help prepare and distribute food to households in our community. The volunteer needs are as follows:
Saturday, Dec. 14 from 2-4:30pm - Volunteers needed to assemble and distribute food bags
Friday, Dec. 20 from 2-4pm - 3-4 volunteers to help box and prepare food
Saturday, Dec. 21 from 9-11am - 4-5 volunteers to help distribute food (especially in need of those who can lift heavy boxes)
To sign up, please contact Nina Pneuman: nina.pneuman@gmail.com or 859-230-4314
Advent Outreach Opportunities
Christmas Eve Service
December 24th @ 5:30pm
Cowan Building
Journey Of Generosity
A Journey of Generosity will be held in late January. If you are interested in participating or would like additional information, please email Dan Lewis: drdbbl@gmail.com
Men's Gathering
Third Wednesday of the month at 7pm
Hosted at the Stringer's home,
125 Anderson Way. Wilmore, KY
All men are welcome to join for fellowship and compline.