Our Community
At Wilmore Anglican, our desire is for our community to extend far beyond Sunday morning worship. At Wilmore Anglican, community is key. Community is what drives us, holds us accountable and keeps the church alive. We are a community full of broken people who are seeking to do the will of God and we believe there is no better way to do that than together. We have many opportunities for all to be involved in life groups, weekly prayer times at The Sanctuary, newcomer and community meals. Involvement in ministry teams can happen easily over time, and our discipleship ranges from “conversational, fellowship level” groups (like Life groups) to more focused, content-driven groups, as well as baptismal preparation and catechesis groups.
Our Vision, Mission & Call
Wilmore Anglican Church is a local liturgical community that abides in God’s grace and lives in the tension between our brokenness and restoration.
We seek to abide in Christ and extend his love to others together…
...that we might see the world restored to right relationships with God, others, and creation.

What We Believe
You may not be familiar with Anglicanism, and thats okay! WAC is a part of the Anglican Church Of North America (ACNA) and the Diocese Of The Carolinas. For more information on what the ACNA believes and also what we as a church believe click here. For information on The Diocese Of The Carolinas click here.
If you have further questions about our church or about the Anglican way please feel free to reach out to our Rector or one of our priests and they would be happy to answer any of your questions.