Ways To Give
Having a Heart Of Generosity
Wilmore Anglican Church is a generous community. By giving, you are helping further our mission to do God's work in our community and across the whole world.
By Mail
You can mail your tithe to Wilmore Anglican Administrative Office PO box 101 Wilmore, KY 40390,
In Person
you can give by dropping your tithe in the offering basket by the sanctuary doors on Sunday mornings.
By following the instructions listed below, you can give virtually to Wilmore Anglican
By Mail
You can mail your tithe to Wilmore Anglican Administrative Office PO box 101 Wilmore, KY 40390,
In Person
You can drop your tithe in the offering plates that are located at the front of the sanctuary on Sundays.
You can give online/virtually through Cashapp by following all of the steps listed below
How to set up cashapp for giving
After reading all instructions, click the green cashapp logo above to create a profile or login
After logging in or creating a profile following the prompts given, click the pay button. (button symbol is the dollar sign $)
Type the amount you would like to give and then press the "pay" button
Type in "wilmoreanglican" in the "to" section of your payment and select our account. You can add a note for your own documenting purposes
Lastly, click the green "pay" button to complete the giving process. All of your cashapp giving history can be found when clicking the little clock button in the toolbar.